Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Lift the Blockade on Cuba

On AKEL’s initiative communist and workers parties of are calling for an end to the US blockade of Cuba.

Joint Declaration of Communist and Workers’ Parties

 As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread over the whole planet causing enormous human pain and loses, it tragically confirms the existence of two different approaches: one insisting to put profits and imposition of global control above public health and the wellbeing of their own people, and a different one putting people, their health and wellbeing, above all other interests.
Amidst the  Covid-19 pandemic, in different continents peoples become witnesses of the internationalism and solidarity exhibited by Cuba as it responds to calls for assistance by dispatching medical teams to tenths of countries.  This humanitarian response is a continuation of decades of disinterested practice when Cuban doctors and nurses came to the help of countries stricken by natural disasters or epidemics.
Whilst the word “Solidarity” is echoed from different corners as the necessary approach for the whole planet to face the pandemic, the US choose to further harden the illegal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba. At these critical times, when human lives are at stake, the US, by imposing the extraterritoriality clause of the Helms-Burton Law, obstruct personal protective equipment, ventilators, and test kits to be acquired or reach Cuba. This is the most gruesome manifestation of the criminal 60-year-long blockade and its consequences for the life and economic development of Cuba and its people.

Under these conditions we the undersigned Communist and Workers’ Parties:

  • denounce the criminal US economic, commercial and financial blockade on Cuba
  • demand the immediate lifting of the illegal US blockade on Cuba
  • express our gratitude for Cuba’s solidarity extended to peoples in need through its medical teams
  • reiterate our solidarity with the Communist Party of Cuba, the Cuban Government and People in their struggle to defend the socialist path of development

Solidarity YES – Blockade NO

The Joint Declaration is open for signatures

  1. Communist Party of Albania
  2. Communist Party of Argentina
  3. Communist Party of Armenia
  4. Communist Party of Australia
  5. Party of Labour of Austria
  6. Democratic Progressive Tribune, Bahrain
  7. Communist Party of Bangladesh
  8. Workers’ Party of Belgium
  9. Communist Party of Belgium
  10. Communist Party of Brazil
  11. Brazilian Communist Party
  12. Communist Party of Britain
  13. New Communist Party of Britain
  14. Communist Party of Canada
  15. Communist Party of Chile
  16. Communist Party of Colombia
  17. Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia
  18. Communist Party of Cuba
  20. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
  21. Communist Party in Denmark
  22. Workers’ Party of Korea
  23. Communist Party of Ecuador
  24. Egyptian Communist Party
  25. Communist Party of Finland
  26. French Communist Party
  27. Unified CP of Georgia
  28. DKP-German Communist Party
  29. Communist Party of Greece
  30. Hungarian Workers’ Party
  31. Communist Party of India (Marxist)
  32. Communist Party of India
  33. Tudeh Party of Iran
  34. Iraqi Communist Party
  35. Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
  36. Communist Party of Ireland
  37. Workers’ Party of Ireland
  38. Communist Party of Israel
  39. Communist Refoundation Party - Italy
  40. Italian Communist Party -PCI
  41. Communist Party –Italy
  42. Jordanian Communist Party
  43. Communist Party of Luxembourg
  44. Communist Party of Malta
  45. Communist Party of Mexico
  46. New Communist Party of Netherlands
  47. Communist Party of Norway
  48. Communist Party of Pakistan
  49. Palestinian People’s Party
  50. Palestinian Communist Party
  51. Paraguayan Communist Party
  52. PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party
  53. Communist Party of Poland
  54. Portuguese Communist Party
  55. Romanian Socialist Party
  56. Communist Party of the Russian Federation
  57. Russian Communist Workers’ Party
  58. Union of Communist Parties CPSU
  59. New Communist Patry of Yugoslavia
  60. Communists of Serbia
  61. South African Communist Party
  62. Communist Party of Spain
  63. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain –PCPE
  64. Communist Party of the Workers of Spain
  65. Communists of Catalonia
  66. Communist Party of Sri Lanka
  67. Sudanese Communist Party
  68. Communist Party of Swaziland
  69. Communist Party of Sweden
  70. Communist Party of Turkey
  71. Communist Party of Ukraine
  72. Communist Party USA
  73. Communist Party of Venezuela

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