Monday, December 17, 2018

Hands off the Transnistrian Communist party!

20th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties

joint statement
The authorities of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR) on June 6th  2018 arrested the Secretary of the Central Council of the UPC-CPSU, the leader of the Communists of Pridnestrovie Oleg Olegovich Khorzhan. This happened after several of our comrades had already been detained.
Against the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Pridnestrovian Communist party, a Deputy of the Supreme Council of the PMR, a completely absurd sentence was passed to Oleg Khorzhan, who is known for his courageous and uncompromising struggle for law enforcement, and who is occused of attacking law enforcement officers. In this way, the authorities are trying to intimidate all independent-minded citizens and to extinguish the growing discontent in society with the growth of social problems.
The political regime of Transnistria, calling itself democratic, arranges shameful persecution of opposition politicians in the interests of the oligarchy. In fact, there is a repression of the whole family of Oleg Khorzhan. In pursuit of Communists, the political regime is going the way of the Nazi "forest brothers" and “S.Bandera’s forces”.
Last year, the entire planet celebrated the 100th anniversary of  Great October. 132 delegations came to Russia from all over the world. It was decided to fight collectively and vigorously against the fans of Hitler, Pinochet and all manifestations of neo-Nazism. And the leadership of Transnistria allows itself tricks in the spirit of those whose ideas and actions have long been condemned by the world community.
The Union of Communist Parties, the people's patriotic forces are indignant at the pressure on our like-minded people. Genuine Marxist-Leninist parties always stand on the position of protecting the right of the nation to self-determination. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the right of the Transnistrian people to self-determination was violated by the authorities of bourgeois Moldova. The Communists were at the forefront of the defenders of freedom and independence of the young Transnistrian state. Many of our comrades and friends gave their lives for peace and tranquility, for genuine democracy and social justice on the Transnistrian land.
We strongly protest against political provocations and express solidarity with the Transnistrian Communists. We demand the immediate release of Oleg Khorzhan and all the illegally detained!
We officially warn the President of the PMR ,V. Krasnoselsky, and the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic, S. Scherba, are personally responsible for the life and health of political prisoners. We will take all measures to free our comrades and stop the tyranny. We will use all the necessary measures of legal protection and hope for broad support of the progressive forces of the planet.
We demand the abolition of the sentence on trumped-up case! 
We demand an end to the political violence! 
Freedom to Oleg Khorzhan!
 Hands off the Transnistrian Communist party!

 Athens, November 2018
  1. New Communist Party of Britain
  2. Communist Party of Bulgaria
  3. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
  4. Communist Party in Denmark
  5. Communist Party of Estonia
  6. Communist Party of Finland
  7. Unified Communist Party of Georgia
  8. Hungarian Workers' Party
  9. Party of the Communists of Kyrgyzstan
  10. Socialist Party of Latvia
  11. Communist Party of Malta
  12. Communist Party of Norway
  13. Communist Party of Pakistan
  14. Palestinian Communist Party
  15. Palestinian People's Party
  16. Paraguayan Communist Party
  17. Romanian Socialist Party
  18. Communist Party of the Russian Federation
  19. UCP-CPSU
  20. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  21. Communists of Serbia
  22. Communist Party of Sri Lanka                             
  23. Communist Party of Swaziland

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