Thursday, October 10, 2024

Solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese people

against occupation and the genocidal war

We, the undersigned communist and workers parties, hereby express our strongest condemnation against the escalating Israeli crimes against the Palestinian, Lebanese and all peoples of the Middle East.
Following months of the genocidal war against Gaza, which has resulted in the killings of tens of thousands of civilians - including 12,000 children - and the massive destruction of its schools, hospitals and infrastructure, we are now witnessing a new phase of murderous aggression on Lebanon and the initiation of a full-scale invasion of the country. This has led to a humanitarian catastrophe over the past few weeks, resulting in the martyrdom of more than 2,000 Lebanese citizens, the injuring of more than 10,000 and the displacement of about 1.2 million citizens who were forced to leave their homes, seeking shelter in other regions as well as on the streets and in cars and tents.
The assassinations of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and Hezbollah General Secretary Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut have resulted in retaliatory missile strikes by Iran on Israeli targets. We believe that these aggressive actions and crimes conducted by the Zionist entity, with full support by imperialist powers, are leading the Middle East into a disastrous cycle of conflict and possibly a regional war.
The imperialist governments, especially those of the US and NATO countries are responsible for the crimes committed against the Palestinian and Lebanese people by being fully involved in the armament of Israel and open support through all financial, political, diplomatic, media and intelligence resources at their disposal, as well as sending their air and naval forces to the region in preparation for broader aggressions.
We hereby express our full solidarity with the peoples of the region, in particular the Lebanese and Palestinian people and their rightful resistance, in all its forms, to achieve their liberation and independence.
We salute the persistence, steadfastness and resistance of the peoples of the region, including communist and progressive forces that are striving for national liberation, independence and sovereignty.
We call for an immediate unconditional ceasefire in Gaza. We support theending of the occupation of Palestine, as well as guaranteeing the right of self-determination and the implementation of a fully sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. We call for the return of all refugees.
We furthermore call for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all Israeli military forces that are occupyingsovereign territories in South Lebanon, and the Golan heights in Syria and to end the bombardment of sites in Syria, Iran, Yemen, and further afield.
Pursuant to this, we call for an end to all exports of military armaments, ammunition, as well as technical assistance to the Israeli occupation army. We call for the rulings of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the Israeli genocidal war in Gaza to be upheld and implemented without delay or obstruction.
We also call upon the peoples of the world, and the communist, workers, and progressive forces in various countries, to assist the growth and strengthening of the wide political, popular, and media solidarity campaign to achieve the immediate ceasefire and to put an end to the Zionist aggression and its crimes against the Lebanese and Palestinian people and all peoples of the region.

SolidNet Parties signing the Joint Statement

  • Communist Party of Australia
  • Party of Labour Austria
  • Democratic Progressive Movement Bahrain
  • Communist Party of Bangladesh
  • Brazilian Communist Party
  • Communist Party of Brazil
  • New Communist Party of Britain
  • Communist Party of Denmark
  • Egyptian Communist Party
  • German Communist Party
  • Communist Party of Greece
  • Hungarian Workers' Party
  • Communist Party of India [Marxist]
  • Iraqi Communist Party
  • Communist Party of Ireland
  • Italian Communist Party 
  • Communist Party (Italy)
  • Jordanian Communist Party
  • Kuwaiti Progressive Movement
  • Lebanese Communist Party
  • Communist Party of Mexico
  • New Communist Party of the Netherlands
  • Communist Party of Norway
  • Palestinian Communist Party
  • Palestinian Peoples Party
  • Portuguese Communist Party
  • Romanian Socialist Party
  • Communist Party of the Russian Fedration
  • Communists of Serbia
  • Communist Party of Spain
  • Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  • Communist Party of the Workers of Spain
  • Communists of Catalonia
  • Sudanese Communist Party
  • Communist Party of Sweden
  • Syrian Communist Party
  • Unified Syrian Communist Party
  • Communist Party of Turkey
  • Communist Party of Uruguay
  • Communist Party of Venezuela
      Other Parties
  • Coordinadora de Movimientos Sociales y Politicos Marcha Patriotica de Colombia
  • Danish Communist Party
  • Party of Popular Alliance - Egypt
  • Communist Front of Italy 
  • Workers Democratic Way Party- Morocco
  • Party of the Federation of Democratic Left - Morocco
  • Unified Socialist Party - Morocco
  • Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  • Galizan Peoples Union
  • Party of Popular Will - Syria
  • Socialist Party - Yemen

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