Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Stop Israel now!

The Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon and the assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah – it’s all part of the spiralling violence, that’s clearly been incited by the imperialists, that threatens to plunge the entire Middle East into a sea of blood. British jets shamefully joined the Americans in trying to shield Israel from the wrath of Iran last week while doing nothing to halt the Israeli terror campaign that’s been unleashed against Arab civilian targets in Palestine and Lebanon. The imperialists do nothing because they want to maintain their grip of the oil fields of Arabia. For decades the Big Oil corporations have been protected by Western forces, the Arab auxiliaries provided the oil princes and, of course, the Israelis. While the Zionists and the feudal Arab princes get a cut for doing the Americans’ bidding all the Palestinians get is death and destruction. 
The imperialists and Zionists use terror in the mistaken belief that this will force the Palestinians to beg for peace. But it doesn’t work. The Palestinian Arabs have remained steadfast since 1948 to keep up the fight for their legitimate right for independence and self-determination while Israel’s got a bloody nose every time it’s sent troops into Lebanon in the past. It will be no different this time round.
The imperialist camp calls for “restraint”. Biden and Starmer lead the pack in calls for peace and talk of the imaginary “two-state” solution that they routinely churn out to divert attention away from the demand for justice from the Palestinians and the rest of the world.
These people shed crocodile tears over the fate of the Israeli hostages and brand critics “anti-semites” if they dare to challenge Zionist lies in the bourgeois media. They bleat on about “human rights” when they represent some of the worst human rights abusers in the world, such as Israel, Ukraine and, of course, the USA itself.
In their words they pose as saints. But they must be judged by their deeds. They brought death and destruction to Libya and Iraq. They incited civil strife in Syria. Now they are arming Israel to the teeth while condoning hideous Israeli atrocities against defenceless civilians and threatening to directly intervene to protect Israel if the going ever gets tough for the Zionist state. This has to be stopped.
The British labour movement cannot directly influence American public opinion but it can, and must, put pressure on our Labour government to stop the bloodshed in the Middle East.
"We need a full arms embargo on Israel and economic sanctions, now. Our common humanity demands nothing less" says Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader who now heads the Independent bloc in Parliament. That’s the least we can do, and we need to do it now!

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