Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Condemning the murderous attack of the Israeli army against the people of Palestine

The Communist and Workers' Parties decisively condemn the attack of the Israeli army in the Palestinian territories in the Gaza Strip that has caused a bloodbath, murdering in cold blood unarmed demonstrators, men, women, and children.
The provocative decision of the Trump administration to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and to move the US Embassy there over and against the general international outcry, has completely unbridled the aggressiveness of Israel, that continues the illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories and continues massacring the Palestinian people.
The governments of the countries that assume a stance of equal distances, identifying the victim with the offender, have great responsibilities. The position of the European Union  that, while an organized massacre of the Palestinian people is occurring, is calling “all sides to show restraint” and is upgrading its relations with the Israeli state, is unacceptable.
The Communist and Workers' Parties express our solidarity and our support to the Palestinian people and to its just struggle in favour of its own independent and sovereign Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with its capital in East Jerusalem. We continue our struggle and we call the peoples to strengthen their demonstrations so that the murderous military intervention of the Israeli Army in the Palestinian territories ceases and to revoke the decision of the USA to move its Embassy in Jerusalem.

Parties that sign:

SolidNet Parties
  1. Communist Party of Albania
  2. PADS
  3. DPT Bahrain
  4. Communist Party of Bangladesh
  5. Communist Party of Britain
  6. New Communist Party of Britain
  7. AKEL
  8. Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia
  9. Communist Party of Finland
  10. German Communist Party
  11. Communist Party of Greece
  12. Hungarian Workers Party
  13. Tudeh Party of Iran
  14. Communist Party of Ireland
  15. Communist Party of Israel
  16. Communist Party (Italy)
  17. Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan
  18. Communist Party of Malta
  19. Communist Party of Mexico
  20. Socialist Party of Latvia
  21. Communist Party of Pakistan
  22. Palestinian Communist Party
  23. Paraguayan Communist Party
  24. Romanian Socialist Party
  25. Communist Party of the Russian Federation
  26. Union of Communist Parties  - CPSU
  27. Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  28. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  29. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  30. Communist Party of Sri Lanka
  31. Communist Party of Turkey
  32. Communist Party of Ukraine
  33. Communist Party of Venezuela

Other Parties
  1. Union of Communists in Bulgaria
  2. JVP Sri Lanka

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