Saturday, April 16, 2011

Brussels Conference: Support for the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

Support for the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

The Communist and Workers’ parties which participated in the European Communist Meeting held in Brussels 11-12 April 2011 raise their voices in intense protest at the systematic persecution and discrimination against the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NCPY).

At the order of the Serbian government the Central Committee of the NCPY is obliged to vacate its only offices in Belgrade within eight days. Despite the fact that the main offices of the NCPY have been locate there for the last 20 years from the moment of its foundation. And at the same time, the Serbian authorities have not provided the NCPY with any other location to move its offices to.

We demand the immediate cessation of the persecution against the NCPY.

Hands off the NCPY!

В поддержку Новой коммунистической партии Югославии

Коммунистические и рабочие партии, принявшие участие в Европейской коммунистической встрече, организованной в Брюсселе 11-12 апреля, выражают свой резкий протест против систематического преследования и дискриминации направленной против Новой коммунистической партии Югославии (НКПЮ).

По приказу правительства Сербии, Центральный комитет НКПЮ должен за восемь дней покинуть свой единственный штаб в Белграде. Несмотря на то, что в последние 20 лет, со дня формирования НКПЮ, штаб-квартира партии размещалась в этом здании. Одновременно, власть Сербии не представила НКПЮ никакого другого помещения под штаб.

Эти действия правительства Сербии направлены против НКПЮ, которая давно является частью международного коммунистического движения.

Мы требуем немедленно прекратить преследования против НКПЮ!

Руки прочь от НКПЮ!

The Parties

1. Communist Party of Styria [Austria]
2. Communist Party of Belarus
3. Workers' Party of Belgium
4. New Communist Party of Britain
5. Communist Party of Britain
6. Party of the Bulgarian Communists
7. AKEL-Cyprus
8. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
9. Communist Party in Denmark
10. Communist Party of Denmark
11. Communist Party of Estonia
12. Finland Communist Workers’ Party for Peace and Socialism
13. Pole of Rebirth of Communistes in France
14. Union of Revolutionary Communistes of France URCF
15. German Communist Party(DKP)
16. Communist Party of Greece
17. Hungarian Workers' Communist Party
18. The Workers' Party of Ireland
19. Communist Party of Ireland
20. Communist Peoples' Left, Italy
21. Socialist Party of Latvia
22. Communist Party of Luxembourg
23. Movement of People's Resistance, Moldavia
24. New Communist Party of the Netherlands
25. Communist Party of Norway
26. Communist Party of Poland
27. Portuguese Communist Party
28. Communist Party of Russian Federation
29. Communist Workers' Party of Russia - Revolutionary Party of Communists
30. Communist Party of Soviet Union
31. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
32. Communist Party of Slovakia
33. Communist Party of Peoples of Spain
34. Communist Party of Sweden
35. Party of Labour, Switzerland
36. Communist Party of Turkey
37. (EMEP), Turkey
38. Union of Communists of Ukraine