WHEN the ISIS militia swept across Iraq and eastern Syria and bulldozed
part of the frontier in 2014, the sectarian terrorist gang that was
covertly supported by imperialism briefly set up a new ‘Caliphate’ in
the lands that they controlled.
Their leaders said they had torn up the Sykes-Picot agreement and this
was echoed by some of the Middle East ‘experts’ in the bourgeois media.
Some welcomed it for creating a new opening for the Kurds. These gurus
told us this was the beginning of the end of the odious Anglo-French
carve-up that created these artificial borders after the First World
What they didn’t say was that US imperialism wanted to redraw the map of
the region and divide it into small, sectarian statelets to form a
‘Greater Middle East’ that would be controlled by American imperialism
for the benefit of the big oil corporations.
The borders of all the Arab states in the Middle East were defined by
British and French imperialism who planned the carve-up of the Turkish
Ottoman Empire during the First World War. The Sykes-Picot agreement was
part of an Anglo-French deal with Czarist Russia to partition the Arab
provinces of the Ottoman Empire, which was a German ally.
At the same time, the Arabs under Turkish rule were encouraged to rebel
on the false promises of independence given by the emissaries of
Anglo-French imperialism whilst the Zionists were promised a ‘homeland’
in Palestine by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour on 2nd November
1917. But Palestine was not Balfour’s to give.
The tragedy of the Palestinian Arabs began when British imperialism
first occupied their land in 1918 and encouraged Zionist immigration
through the Balfour doctrine. ‘Balfour Day’ became a day of mourning for
the Palestinian Arabs. But the Zionists celebrated 2nd November as a
national holiday from 1918 until the end of the Second World War.
The Zionists were originally encouraged to emigrate to Palestine by the
British colonial authority, which saw Jewish settlements as buffers to
contain Arab nationalism. Between the world wars British imperialism
encouraged Zionist settlements to play the Jews off against the
Palestinian Arabs, though they never originally intended to grant either
community any real independence.
British imperialism sought to create a community of Zionist settlers who
would prolong their occupation of Palestine indefinitely. They helped
British colonialism crush the Palestine Revolt in 1936. But in the
immediate post-World War II situation the Zionists seized the
opportunity to push for a separate state of their own. In 1948 the
British colonial mandate ended and the State of Israel was proclaimed.
On that day the first Arab—Israeli war began. It has never ended.
The first war led to the expulsion of a million Palestinian Arabs from
their homes by the Zionist regime. Those refugees and their descendants
have never given up their right to return to their land. And this is the
heart of the crisis in the Middle East that has led to five full-scale
wars and continuing simmering conflicts.
Although repeatedly ignored by US imperialism and its lackeys, past
United Nations resolutions provide the only basis for a just and lasting
peace in the Middle East. A lasting solution must be based on the right
of return of refugees and an independent Palestinian state with Israel
giving up all territories seized since 1967.
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